Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (2024)

Warning: Spoilers for Fast X The adrenaline-fueled latest installment in the Fast Saga, Fast X, has captivated audiences worldwide and includes many stunning filming locations. From the breathtaking A24 Highway, also known as Autoestrada do Interior Norte, in Portugal, to the charming streets of Vila Real and Viseu, Portugal, the production team spared no expense in capturing the essence of high-octane street racing against the backdrop of picturesque landscapes. Fast X also made its way to the bustling city of Lisboa, Portugal, infusing the film with the vibrant energy of the Portuguese capital.

The production team takes the story further by venturing into the iconic cities of Rome and Turin in Italy. Crossing the English Channel, the Fast X team explores the city of London, England, and other captivating locations across the UK. With its historic landmarks and modern architectural marvels, London becomes a thrilling backdrop for the movie's most exhilarating moments. The climax of Fast X unfolds at the majestic Aldeadávila Dam in Spain, surrounded by awe-inspiring natural beauty. These locations add to the tension of the betrayal of the Fast X team by an old enemy of Dom Toretto’s.

Related: Dominic Toretto’s Full Backstory Explained

8 Dom's House In Los Angeles, California

Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (1)

Nestled in the real residential neighborhood of Echo Park within Angelino Heights, Los Angeles, stands Dom Toretto's iconic house. Surrounded by turn-of-the-century homes worth millions of dollars, this location holds historical significance as part of a vibrant district. L.A. serves as the home for many of the . Currently, Dom resides there alongside Letty and his son with Elena, Brian "Little B" Marcos. More than just a physical structure, Dom's house represents the heart of the Toretto family, symbolizing their unity and strength. Consequently, any attack or destruction directed towards it holds tremendous significance within the Fast X storyline.

Angelino Heights residents reacted with concern to the news that more Fast Saga scenes were going to be filmed at the property since in the past, fans of the show would perform dangerous stunts in the neighborhood (per Los Angeles Times).

Related: 8 Theories For Fast X's Cliffhanger Ending That Would Live Up To The Hype

7 An Epic Car Chase Across Rome, Italy

Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (2)

The scenes involving Dante’s massive flaming metal ball bomb bouncing after Dom and his crew take place in various locations in Rome, Italy, and Turin, Italy. The narrow and winding streets of Genzano di Roma set the stage for the central chase in Fast X. In Rome, the chase takes place through Via Cristoforo Colombo, Via dei Fori Imperiali, Ponte Umberto I, the renowned Spanish Steps, and other areas of historic interest. Similarly, in Turin, Italy, the entertaining chase scenes were shot in and around Piazza Crimea, Murazzi del Po, Via Roma, etc. At one point, the flaming bomb bounces down the world-famous Spanish Steps after Letty.

Although filmed across two different cities, the shots are seamlessly edited to create a visually captivating experience. The Fast Saga prioritizes cool shots over strict adherence to reality, which is what makes the franchise so much fun to watch. Dante watches his destructive handiwork from the vantage point of Belvedere del Gianicolo, with the Giuseppe Garibaldi Monument featured prominently in the background. This location, situated at Janiculan Hill along via Garibaldi, Salita di Sant'Onofrio, provides a stunning view of the city. It is the perfect place for Dante to hide while also being able to control his attack in order to frame Dom and his crew for his Fast X terrorism.

6 Tess Tracks Dom to Naples

Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (3)

The historic and UNESCO World Heritage Site status of Naples adds to the allure of the scenes filmed in the city. The juxtaposition of its rich cultural heritage and the high-octane action of the Fast X storyline creates an intriguing blend that keeps viewers engaged and eagerly anticipating the next twist in the plot. The vibrant city is the location of an important meeting between Dom and unexpected ally Tess, the daughter of past Agency employer Mr. Nobody. Known for its cinematic appeal, Naples proves to be a fitting backdrop for the thrilling events that unfold in the film.

5 Rio de Janeiro

Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (4)

The connection between Fast Five and Fast X is evident in the filming in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One of the most recognizable landmarks in the Fast Saga is the Christ the Redeemer statue, which is prominently featured in scenes set in Rio de Janeiro. While the race sequences were primarily filmed in a studio, the breathtaking mountainous landscape of Rio was skillfully added through CGI.

In a gripping Fast X post-credit scene, the story takes an unexpected turn as Luke Hobbs arrives at the old Rio de Janeiro police station, previously utilized by Reyes in Fast Five. The Reyes’ police station hideout is not actually located in Rio de Janeiro. Instead, it is a real structure known as the Banco Gubernamental de Fomento para Puerto Rico, situated on Avenida De Diego in Puerto Rico.

4 Antarctica Black Site Prison

Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (5)

Tess' visit to the black site prison in Antarctica where Letty is held captive becomes a pivotal moment in Fast X. Escaping out of a prison through a hatch, Letty, accompanied by Cipher, navigate the treacherous frozen landscape, making their way towards the coast where a submarine awaits them. The surprising twist comes when Gisele (Gal Gadot), returns from the dead in Fast X as the pilot of the submarine. Though unlikely to be actually filmed in Antarctica due to the treacherous nature of the environment, the visuals of the escape across the frozen landscape are stunning, adding to the overall sense of urgency and danger.

3 The Chase Through London, England

Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (6)

In February 2022, Fast X star Vin Diesel revealed that he was in London to shoot the Fast & Furious finale (via Instagram). During the production of Fast X, the cast and crew primarily utilized the facilities of Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden, located on Warner Drive in Hertfordshire's Leavesden.

Unlike previous filming instances that caused a commotion on English roads, this time there were no such disturbances and a smoother shooting process. This suggests that the film crew made good use of Leavesden's 19 studious and 55 acres of backlot to capture Fast X's high-octane action instead.

2 The Chase In The Arizona Airport

Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (7)

Dante's relentless pursuit reaches a pivotal moment as he manages to track down Little B and Jakob at the North Yuma Arizona airport. This Fast X scene is not only filled with high-octane action but also features a range of notable cameos, adding to the excitement. One particularly poignant cameo comes from Meadow, the daughter of the late Paul Walker, who portrays a flight attendant assisting Little B and Jakob in their escape.

The star-studded nature of the scene, coupled with the dangerous chases and stunts involved, suggests that the filming likely took place in Los Angeles, a hub for the entertainment industry. The city's diverse locations and resources would have provided the perfect backdrop for this thrilling sequence.

1 The Climactic Ending in Portugal

Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (8)

Little B and Jakob arrive by boat at Cais do Ginjal outside Lisbon and head to a safe house to meet Dom. However, circ*mstances force Jakob to face Dante on his own, and he reveals a formidable weapon in the form of his cannon car. The IP5 highway in Vouzela and the A24 highway serves as a backdrop for the ensuing car chase.

Eventually, Dom and Little B find themselves trapped at the top of the Aldeadávila Dam in Spain. In a breathtaking sequence, Dom maneuvers his car down the side of the dam. Dom and Little emerge safely from the water, although he had to leave his iconic Dodge in the reservoir below. Their predicament is not over, as Dante detonates the dam. Hopefully, this extreme Fast X ending will be explained in Fast & Furious 11.

Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed (2024)


Fast X Map: All 8 Locations & Where It Was Actually Filmed? ›

Longtime franchise composer Brian Tyler returned to score the film. With an estimated production budget of $378.8 million, Fast X is the fourth-most expensive film ever made. Filming lasted until that August, taking place in London, Rome, Turin, other Italian cities, Lisbon, and Los Angeles.

Where was the Fast X filmed? ›

Longtime franchise composer Brian Tyler returned to score the film. With an estimated production budget of $378.8 million, Fast X is the fourth-most expensive film ever made. Filming lasted until that August, taking place in London, Rome, Turin, other Italian cities, Lisbon, and Los Angeles.

Where are the filming locations for X? ›

A24 horror film X filmed in the lower North Island of New Zealand. X showcases New Zealand's versatile landscapes, with 1970s Texas re-created in Whanganui, Otaki, Foxton and Wellington. A number of scenes were shot in and around the city of Whanganui.

Where is the dam in Fast X? ›

After securing the Aldeadávila Dam, situated on the border of Portugal and Spain, the stunt team huddled to determine narrative logistics: How would Dom Toretto fly his Dodge Charger over the dam's concrete barrier and avoid the impending collision of two semi-trucks attempting to sandwich him?

Where did they film the bomb scene in Fast and Furious 10? ›

Check out the footage above, as director Louis Leterrier explains what it took — including crews filming in both London and Rome, working in conjunction with the film's VFK team — to send both Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and a massive circular bomb charging down Rome's famed Spanish steps.

What part of Portugal was Fast X filmed in? ›

“Fast and Furious X” premiered yesterday, May 18th, in theaters in Portugal. The shooting of this saga had scenes recorded in Portugal, namely in the cities of Lisbon, Vila Real and Viseu. “Fast and Furious X”, a project that was supported by the Tourism and Cinema Fund.

Was Fast X filmed at Hoover Dam? ›

Even the dam sequence, set at the Aldeadávila Dam between Spain and Portugal, is surprisingly real. Some of the car action was filmed on the road atop the dam, with further footage filmed at Leavesden Studios, where a recreation of the top of the dam was built.

Where is the house in X? ›

Pearl & Howard's Farmhouse - Bulls, Rangitikei District, North Island, New Zealand. In addition to the Fordell shooting location, X uses the small town of Bulls to make up the remainder of its shots of Pearl and Howard's homestead.

What town is X set? ›

A scene from the Ti West horror film 'X,' which takes place in Houston and rural Texas but was filmed thousands of miles away. The new slasher film X is directed by horror veteran Ti West, and it has received extremely positive reaction from audiences and critics.

What city was the X Files filmed in? ›

The first five seasons of The X-Files were filmed and produced in Vancouver, British Columbia, before production eventually moved to Los Angeles to accommodate Duchovny. The series later returned to Vancouver to film The X-Files: I Want to Believe as well as the tenth and eleventh seasons.

Is Fast 11 the last movie? ›

Fast & Furious 11 will be the final instalment in The Fast Saga.

Will Brian be in Fast and Furious 11? ›

Brian is likely to return in some form for Fast & Furious 11, which could be the final installment in the franchise.

Why is Paul Walker in Fast X? ›

He explained that the decision was made for the character to be seen "in the past", and he noted Walker's family remains a huge part of the franchise. He added: "You will see Brian in the past, you won't see Brian in the present. It's something that everybody has to be on board with.

Which Fast and Furious was filmed in Japan? ›

Tokyo Drift was filmed in Tokyo without permits due to strict regulations on filming in the city. Director Justin Lin used guerrilla filming tactics to capture scenes in Shibuya, resulting in an arrest. Universal Studios hired a "fall guy" to take the blame for the illegal filming, protecting Lin from facing jail time.

Where in Florida was fast and furious filmed? ›

Much of the film includes driving and racing scenes on the streets of Miami and other parts of South Florida. Some of the locations include Miami Beach, Seven Mile Bridge, and Homestead Air Base. The drug lord's mansion was also a real mansion in the Coral Gables neighborhood that was owned by Sylvester Stallone.

Was Fast and Furious filmed in Puerto Rico? ›

Most of the climactic scenes were filmed in the Milla de Oro district in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. The climactic vault heist required four weeks of preparation with every scene and camera angle determined in advance.

Which city was fast and furious filmed? ›

The 2001 action film was followed by six sequels and has become Universal's biggest franchise of all time. The Fast and the Furious movies boast a strong connection to Los Angeles, where the fast furious set took to the real streets of L.A., though not all of the franchise's installments were shot here.

Where was the movie X filmed in Texas? ›

Set in 1979 in rural Texas, X was shot in various locations in New Zealand. Most of the scenes took place at a farm in Fordell, a community in the Whanganui District. Filming also took place in Bulls, a small town in Rangitikei District. Whanganui, New Zealand.

Is Fast and Furious 11 the last one? ›

Fast and Furious 11 is the final movie in the Fast Saga. It reunites Vin Diesel's Dominic Toretto with the rest of the cast for one last ride. However, the franchise is open for spinoff films like Hobbs & Shaw afterward.

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